Alpinism is an activity taken by professionals in the sphere of vaulting the peaks. Kyrgyzstan is a country from all sides surrounded by mountains. That is why it is one of the aims of alpinists, they take a tour and travel here. In the times of the Soviet Union it was impossible to visit the mountains, now it is just necessary to know the risks, rules of behavior and the equipment itself.
Kyrgyzstan tours can be going difficult due to high risks of severe precipitations at heights. All should know that with every new altitude it becomes colder, precipitations become stronger.
Despite the rule of no way to the heights, there were a lot of mountaineers, and those who were able to vault all the peaks of 7000m above sea level were given the award of the Snow Leopard. At least 600 alpinists managed to get it. Our recommendation before you take Kyrgyzstan tours is to be aware of your abilities and of the true sometimes dangerous situation in the mountains.